Harmonizing Stakeholder Insights: Validating the Country Report in Pristina

On November 22, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Development of Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/1999), as the Country Partner Institution (CPI) for the Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans (LFMWB) Programme, collaborated with the Regional Fire Monitoring Center (RFMC) to organize the third national workshop in Pristina. The event, conducted within the framework of the SDC's LFMWB Programme, gathered key stakeholders to deliberate on the final version of the Country report with Landscape Fire Management (LFM) guidelines and to initiate the development of a strategy for adaptive landscape management and LFM.

The workshop commenced with Mr. Tahir Ahmeti, Director of the Forestry Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Development, delivering the opening speech. Emphasizing the overarching goal of the LFMWB Programme, he urged regional cooperation to formulate common policies, develop strategies, and establish guidelines for LFM in the Western Balkan countries, with joint efforts of all stakeholders.

Mr. Cvetan Nikolovski, the team leader of the LFMWB Programme highlighted that the Western Balkans face heightened vulnerability due to climate change, land-use changes, and rural migration, making cross-border cooperation and knowledge exchange imperative to enhance capacities for LFM.

Ms. Arlinda Gashi, the Country Project Staff in Prishtina within the LFMWB Programme, presented an overview of the process for developing the Country report and the final version of the report. The primary objectives of her presentation were to foster mutual acceptance of the final draft of the report, collaboratively formulate LFM guidelines, and engage in discussions to define LFM gaps at the national level.

Around 20 representatives from key institutions associated with the LFMWB Programme, spanning science, practice, and policy sectors, actively participated in the workshop. A presentation on the SWOT analysis and guidelines chapters of the Country report facilitated fruitful discussions, with participants offering valuable feedback on the report's comprehensiveness and utility. The participants jointly accepted the final version of the Country report addressing the national importance of the document.

Mr. Velian Jagev, a regional officer for forestry and landscape fire management representing the RFMC, presented the concept for the preparation of the strategy for adaptive landscape management and LFM. Participants focused on defining the vision of the LFM strategy and outlining its main objectives.


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